Science Vs Art in facilitating learning – 1
Science Vs Art in facilitating learning - 1 of 2
Formula for Learning
I recently had the pleasure of delivering the ‘science’ side of a debate at the Australian Institute of Training and Development SA Divisional Council’s ‘Great Debate…

‘Performance management’ – threat state to the brain
There has been quite a lot published recently about performance management and in particular about removing performance ratings.
At its core, managing performance is about ensuring that both employers and employees match how we work in today’s…

Strengthening your team ready for 2018
Shortly, it will be the season for company-wide and team end-of-year gatherings and celebrations. An opportunity for people to come together less formally. And yet, the outcome for some of us is that we feel more excluded than included. …

Willing Change
I thought I would share with you a topic of conversation that stimulated some vigorous discussions at a recent change workshop. It was about language and the important role that it plays. Not only during change events but also more generally…