Leading Workshops

6 Neuroscience Principles Leaders Should Understand
(4 hours)

In this session, we introduce 6 principles of neuroscience we believe leaders need to understand to start to operate in a more brain savvy way.  Success is not possible without changing the day-to-day behaviour of people.  But changing behaviour is hard; we are creatures of habit, and we are wired for habit formation.  Research indicates that even for individuals, and even when new habits can mean the difference between life and death, it’s the follow-through that is the challenge.  This session introduces 6 key principles to help you become a more brain savvy leader.

What creates and destroys energy in organisations
(2 hours)

Understanding what inspires energy and what drains it is possibly the most important and least talked about the role of leaders since, we’d argue, the point of leadership is to generate an environment with a sense of genuine purpose and connection, an environment that unleashes and focuses energy that will, in turn, make for maximum productivity, effort and wellbeing. This session explores how to generate and build positive energy in teams and the wider organisation.

Creating a Brain Savvy Culture
(4 hours)

In basic terms, humans are designed to focus on 3 things; safety, belonging and becoming.  And, our brains are dedicated to helping us do just that!  This is important for organisational culture because organisations are a conglomeration of people.  And, we now understand and appreciate more fully what is meant by change happens one person at a time.  In the same vein, culture is the complex system of patterns in our physical and social worlds.   This session explores key brain structures that impact on culture; how to start to build psychological S.A.F.E.T.YTM  and foster belonging.

Neuroscience and performance management
(4 hours)

In this session we explore what is happening re-performance management in organisations and what neuroscience is saying will help.  It explains why traditional approaches to employee evaluation are flawed. We also introduce some brain-friendly practices and techniques to help when having feedback conversations.

Creating a brain-friendly environment to optimise performance
(2 hours)

To be successful in the future, organisations will need to pay attention to providing brain-friendly workplaces where their people can become creators or co-creators of their workflow so that their brains can offer their best thinking.  It’s what will differentiate the best organisations from the average ones in the years to come. This session introduces some core elements to consider for building brain-friendly workplaces of the future.

Creating leadership habits
(2 hours)

 Our starting point is to share the mind-set research from Carol Dweck and to carry out an exercise where participants assess their own mind-set about their leadership journey.   This session explores the principles of habit formation and introduces practical ways to build this capability at individual, team and whole of organisation levels.

Inclusion: how your brain works for you and against you
(2 hours)

When it comes to working across differences, such as culture, does your brain work for you or against you?  Brain research is showing that despite our good intentions, the brain can trip us up when it comes to working and communicating effectively across cultures and differences.. Neuroscience is providing compelling new information on the brain, the nature of the non-conscious brain, and how we can work with the brain to increase our ability to work across differences more effectively, increase our inclusion capacity and create more inclusive, high performing environments.  This session explores recent neuroscience findings on how the natural wiring of the brain impacts our ability to work effectively across cultures and differences, navigate complexity, and create sustained positive behaviour change, and what we can do about it