Learning Workshops

Insight and the link to creative problem solving
(2 hours)

In this session, we explore how having an insight is associated with creativity and problem-solving.  We also show how it
helps people to make personal changes, accept change and learn.   Leaders and everyone else solve problems in two different ways. When we have a moment of insight the solution to a problem appears in a flash and we just know it is right.  We explain the science of insight and how to have more.

Managing stress (yours and others) to optimise team effectiveness
(4 hours)

 In this session, we explore the impact of stress on you and others.  It examines how stress at the right levels can help to optimise performance.  We introduce a tool to help leaders assess 3 areas of their potential (and often unintended) ‘stress’ impact on their team.

Staying focused to achieve your goals faster
(2 hours)

This session explores the move from managing our time to the need to manage our cognitive load and for increasing our capacity to focus attention. Our brains are not as efficient as we would like to believe.  We actually need to inhibit a huge range of distractions in order to focus attention.  We explore why we are distracted and how we can manage that distraction.

Brain Savvy Coaching
(8 hours)

In this session, we provide an action learning approach that sees participants ‘build and practice’ coaching conversation elements is a practical and brain savvy way to ensure and minimises the threat responses we often experience when we have to practice in large and open environments.  Participants are introduced to and explore the 6 key insights of the brain in the coaching context and ‘Stretch-Support-Sustain’ – a practical approach to coaching.

Conversational Intelligence – Why Every Word Matters
(8 hours)

Put simply – conversations matter!  We used to believe that conversations were simply about sharing information with each other.  After studying the brain and how it works, we now understand that conversations help us connect, navigate and grow. In many instances, conversations miss the mark.  We talk past each other, over each other or make things up that suit our motivations and needs. It helps to understand what conversations trigger lower-level brain activity (threat oriented – non-conscious flight, fight, freeze), versus what sparks higher-level brain activity (reward oriented – conscious trust, integrity, strategic thinking) and the ability to process complex situations.  This session explores the chemistry to conversations; fear and trust in the brain; introduces the ‘3 Mistakes of feedback’ and offers 3 key principles to build conversational and feedback intelligence.

Solving Problems and Improving Performance through Coaching
(8 hours)

 This session is interactive with a focus on practising coaching conversations across the day. We believe an approach that provides an action learning emphasis which sees participants ‘build and practice’ coaching conversation elements is a practical and brain savvy way to ensure micro-learning and minimises the threat responses that some experience when they have to practice in large and open environments. This session introduces insights into the human brain and explores a practical coaching approach using the S.A.F.E.T.Y.TM Model.