
Art vs Science 2
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Science Vs Art in facilitating learning – 2

Formula for Facilitating This is the second blog sharing the ‘science’ side of the debate I gave at the Australian Institute of Training and Developments SA Divisional Council’s ‘Great Debate: Art Vs Science Learning Breakfast’…
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We build and lose trust one conversation at a time – over time

Have you ever wondered why some conversations feel comfortable and engaging?  You find them easy and rewarding to be a part of, and, others feel like hard work or you’d rather walk away from them because it’s too hard.  How often have…
Common sense isn't that common
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Common sense isn’t really that common!

How many times have you heard those two words ‘common sense’? Or, used them yourself during conversations? Let’s face, it we all have (or do)! I’ve heard those two words used numerous times. ‘Well, that’s just common sense!’,…
loneliness conundrum more connected yet less connection
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The Loneliness Conundrum – more connected, yet, less connection

I read last week about the UK recently appointing a ‘Minister for Loneliness’ – Tracey Crouch for those interested. Truthfully, I’m not sure how I feel about it.  I’m pleased that there is an awareness that social isolation is…
Performance Management Discussion
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‘Performance management’ – threat state to the brain

There has been quite a lot published recently about performance management and in particular about removing performance ratings. At its core, managing performance is about ensuring that both employers and employees match how we work in today’s…
